
Our Setting Vision Reading

To work in partnership alongside parents in providing a happy and safe place for their children to come to play, which allows them to build trusting relationships with the staff and their peers as they learn and develop. Our children will be heard, feel valued and know they are special and know they will not be judged when they make mistakes. Every child is unique and know that they do matter in our setting. We understand they arrive with different experiences and every child will be supported as we strive to ignite their curiosity, provide new experiences and language and allow them to reach their full potential.

By the time the children transfer into primary they will be independent, confident and more than ready for the next stage in their early education.

Aspirations at pre-school for 2023/2024

This year our children may have been impacted by the restrictions Covid brought, as they had less opportunities to socialise and mix with other children in their early years.

Therefore the focus for pre-school continues to be their personal, social and emotional development, building relationships, sharing with others, building confidence and communication and language development. Also this year we plan to introduce a more consistent array of activities to promote children’s wellbeing.  Activities in a small group to practice yoga, music and breathing in a calm relaxing environment will enable children to experience being in the moment and give them strategies to help them self-regulate and address their feelings big or small.

Planning to help every child’s language is vital to their development.  Through conversations, routines and our continuous provision (resources and activities we do every session/day) staff provide an array of opportunities for children to learn, we follow their interests and plan in the moment to enhance the environment and extend their play and learning. Books, stories, music and rhymes are a large part of our day, a rich language filled environment is crucial to children’s communications skills and this impacts all areas of learning.  Our aim is to install our love of books with the children and lay the foundations for future reading and writing as well as feeding their knowledge.

We aspire to continue to work with parents to share home learning through the REAL project.  As a child’s first educator, parents are crucial to their early development.  Therefore by sharing projects such as our nursery rhyme challenge, sharing stories and books, print in our environment hunt and celebrating children’s early writing enriches a child’s experience in pre-school and at home.


outdoorundercoverEgerton Pre-School operates from a detached property on Bexton Road in Knutsford. The single-story building is comprised of an enclosed porch leading to the entrance hall where children hang their coats and bags. Access can then be gained to the main play area.

From the main play area, children have easy access to the toilets, community room and the rear external play area. The rear of the property has an open wooden awning with an opaque polymer roof allowing for all-weather play.

pondThe purpose-built garden has artificial grass, a dipping pond, a treehouse, and lots of tree-shaded space to run and play. There’s also a sandbox, a Wendy house and a vegetable patch.