Autumn 2020

Welcome back!

It is so lovely to welcome you all back to pre-school, it is wonderful to see so many returning parents and those leaving their children with us for the first time.

So far our returning children are all settling back in to the pre-school routine and seem happy to be back!  Our new children are beginning to settle well and they are enjoying a wide range of activities and getting to know new friends.

We would like to thank all parents for working alongside us in these different times especially with regard to dropping off and picking up your children. It is also extremely important for us all to follow the Covid 19 guidelines that we have put in place for pre-school (you should have recently received written information outlining our procedures) if you have any doubts about whether your child should attend pre-school if ‘under the weather’ then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

This term we will be talking about All About Me, looking at similarities and differences, people who are important to us. We will follow the children’s interests in these areas and see where it takes us! We will be using mirrors to look at the colour of our hair and eyes, using different resources to make faces using paper plates. We will also look at our names using messy play and also in small groups we will roll the ball to one another, saying names as we roll so we get to know new friends.

We are also continuing with our Hedgehog Club (before and after school), please contact Louise if you are interested.

As we are settling back and following on from the success of our Summer Holiday Club, we are putting it out there to gauge interest in providing holiday club in the Autumn half term. This would run from Monday 26th October to Friday 30th October.

If this is something you would be interested in please could you express an interest ASAP stating which days and times.

The costs are :-
3-4 year olds
9am – 12 noon = £15
9am – 1pm = £20
9am – 3pm = £30
2 year olds
9am – 12 noon =£20
9am – 1pm = £25

Before school – 7.45 – 9am = £6 (Breakfast included)
Before 8.30am -9am = £4
After school 3pm-3.30pm = £4
After school 3pm – 4.30pm =£8 (light tea included)
After school 3pm – 6pm = £14 (light tea included)

I am sure you will understand we would not be able to run holiday club at a financial loss to pre-school. So with this in mind, we may not be able to open every day or offer all the wrap around care every day.

So once we know the interest we will then confirm which days/times we will be open.

We hope you all have an enjoyable half term at pre-school and if you have any questions we are only an email or a phone call away.