Autumn Term 2023
Welcome back!
It is so lovely to welcome you all back to pre-school, it is wonderful to see
returning parents and those leaving their children with us for the first time.
So far our returning children are all settling back in to the pre-school routine and
seem happy to be back! Our new children are settling well and they are enjoying
a wide range of activities and getting to know new friends.
This term we have started All About Me, looking at similarities and differences,
people who are important to us. We will follow the children’s interests in these
areas and see where it takes us! We have been using mirrors to look at the
colour of our hair and eyes, using different resources to make faces. Over the
coming weeks we will be looking at families, over the coming weeks we will be
asking for photographs of your child with their family to put on our display. We
will also be looking at Autumn and the changes that the season brings, hopefully
the weather will be kind so we can go on some autumn walks in the preschool
garden and on the school field.
We have started our small groups for Kids Talk and Dough Gym. We also will be
rolling the ball to one another, saying names as we roll so we get to know our
new friends.
We hope you all have an enjoyable half term at pre-school and if you have any
questions we are only an email or a phone call away. Please use the Famly app
as this is where you will find any changes within pre-school and also keep up to
date with assessments and observations of your child over the term