Welcome back to pre-school and we trust you all had an enjoyable half-term break. This half term we have started our REAL project, the focus is on books and sharing our favourite stories. Our story bears (Jofli and Barnaby) have started to stay over (for one night only) with children and we encourage parents to share the book with their child and also to share your experience on Famly. The bears will eventually visit all children but as you can imagine it will take time for the bears to visit each child. We will also be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 12th March, if your child would like to dress up we would love to see their costumes.
We will be enjoying lots of lovely stories at pre-school and would like to invite any parents or grandparents to come into pre-school between now and Easter to read to the children in our book corner. Please speak to Andrea, Diane or Jo to arrange or for more information.
We have celebrated Pancake day, with the children. They were able to make their own pancakes using ‘food’ from the home corner plus flour and playdough. They also role played in a ‘Pancake Café’, great enjoyment was had by the children using the pans to toss their pancakes and choose toppings before taking them home.
Some children got to mix the batter for the pancakes that were going to be eaten at snack time and they all talked about the ingredients needed to make the pancakes.
We have also been enjoying lots of fairy stories and acting out Three Little Pigs in the garden, the children have also been drawing their own pictures of the story for our frieze. I think you will agree they have done some wonderful drawings and made the houses using ‘straw’, twigs and a lego house of bricks. The children have also been making storyboards and their own books.
For our small groups for letters and sounds we have been playing Rhyming Bingo, talking about words that rhyme and matching them to our boards before shouting ‘BINGO’, we have also been listening to lots of rhyming stories (Hairy MacClary, Duck in the Truck and Room on the Broom).
Physical development has included groups for dough gym, we have been using our listening skills to follow the song (and sing along!) squeezing (using alternate hands to build up finger and wrist strength), flattening (using the palm of our hands), poking (using our thumbs and forefingers), using gross motor movement to make large circles, stretching up high and to the middle of the table.
We are continuing to go to the school hall for dancing, ring games and body percussion. On the days we don’t access the hall we are using our Sticky Kids music in the playroom and also using the parachute outside. We continue to do our small groups for musical instruments and Kid Talk.
A Note For Your Diary: Pre-School will be holding an Easter Cake Stall on Thursday 2nd April, more details to follow.
We are continuing with Hedgehog Club, please email or phone 01565 652340 if you are interested. We have also had quite a few children booked in adhoc which is proving successful.