Pre-school Information
Government Funding
All three and four-year-old children are entitled to 15 universal hours of free Early Years (EY) Entitlement per week, across 38 weeks of the year.
The full 15 hours have to be taken over at least two days per week and a maximum of five days per week.
Many children at Egerton Pre-School use the 15 hours over 2 1/2 days (five 3-hour sessions) although you can take the Free EY Entitlement at up to two providers.
We do offer places to children whose families are eligible for 30-hour funding (15 universal & 15 extended hours).
From April 24 the government have introduced new 2 year old working families funding, if you think your family may be entitled for either 30 hours or the new 2 year old working families funding, please visit to check your eligibility.
2 year old disadvantaged funding is still available through Cheshire East, for further information on the required criteria please read the criteria for two year old funding. To check eligibility please call 0300 123 5033.
Additional Charges
As a non-profit making parent run charity, we offer the government “free” hours (15 or 30). The use of the word “free” is misleading because there is a cost to childcare providers for offering this service.
The government funding paid to pre-school only covers the actual cost of the childcare, with no additional costs met for resources, hygiene supplies, snack, extra curriculum activities and on-line learning journals.
In line with other settings in Knutsford, we ask all our families who are accessing the “free” funded hours to pay a consumables charge.
Here at Egerton Pre-School we have always had our families’ best interest at heart, we have kept these additional charges to an absolute minimum of £3.75 per session. We hope you understand we need to cover our costs so that we can continue to serve our community by providing experienced, qualified staff, keeping a high ratio and delivering excellent early years care and education.
Children who are in receipt of 2 year old disadvantaged funding and have used it at Egerton Pre-School will be exempt from this charge and if any parents have concerns that they may not be able to cover this cost please approach Louise or Andrea confidentially.
The additional charges will be invoiced monthly (at the start of the month) along with any other charges (hedgehog club, adhoc sessions etc) You will have 30 days to pay the invoice.
Egerton Pre-school accepts child care vouchers from the following schemes:
Reference Number: P20185788
Reference Number: 17488263
No reference
Reference Number: 829211
Fair Care
Unique Code: Eger 0114
Busy Bees
Reference: Egerton Pre-School, or WA16 0EE
Reference: EGE001C
ID number: 0019567437
RG (Reward Gateway)
ID: 34108591003